Litchi Hikari Club

Litchi Hikari Club (2016)


This is a live-action story adaptated from Usamaru Furuya's manga with the same title. The story revolves around nine students at an all-boys school who create a god-like Lychee machine to capture the beautiful women of the world. However, the machine eventually becomes self-aware "and is soon equally capable of measuring beauty and executing justice.

Status: Completed
Furukawa Yuki
Furukawa Yuki (1987)
Haruna Shuya
Haruna Shuya (2002)
Nakajo Ayami
Nakajo Ayami (1997)
Fujiwara Kisetsu
Fujiwara Kisetsu (1993)
Tozuka Junki
Tozuka Junki (1992)
Mamiya Shotaro
Mamiya Shotaro (1993)
Okayama Amane
Okayama Amane (1994)
Masaki Reiya
Masaki Reiya (1995)
Nomura Shuhei
Nomura Shuhei (1993)
Sugita Tomokazu
Sugita Tomokazu (1980)
Ikeda Junya
Ikeda Junya (1992)
Matsuda Ryo
Matsuda Ryo (1991)

Revenge of Others trailer:

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